U.S. Congressman
Former U.S. Representative
(NJ 9 – 1997 to 2013)

U.S. Congressman
Former U.S. Representative
(NJ 9 – 1997 to 2013)

Steven R. Rothman is the former U.S. Representative for New Jersey’s Ninth Congressional District, Bergen County’s Surrogate Court Judge and Mayor of the City of Englewood, New Jersey.
He served in Congress from January 1997 to January 2013 and was a member of the powerful House Appropriations Committee, which recommends the allocation of all the discretionary funds in the federal budget. He also served on the House Judiciary, Foreign Affairs and Science and Technology Committees.
Highlights of Steve Rothman’s congressional career include his instrumental role in saving the last 8,400 acres of undeveloped land in the New Jersey Meadowlands; limiting air traffic at Teterboro Airport; authoring the Secure our Schools Act that provided hundreds of millions of dollars to New Jersey and U.S. schools for security upgrades; bringing billions of dollars back to his district for hospitals, law enforcement and environmental cleanup; a strong Pro-Israel record that culminated in U.S. funding for Israel’s Iron Dome rocket defense and David’s Sling, Arrow 2 and Arrow 3 anti-missile systems; having a robust and much-envied constituent service operation, and enjoying a lifelong reputation for the highest ethical and professional standards.
As Bergen County’s Surrogate Court Judge from 1993 to 1996, Steve provided the Bergen County Surrogate’s Office with modern computers and management practices, which enabled a 55% increase in cases processed while reducing staff levels through attrition. He facilitated improved access to public documents and had the highest rate of return on monies invested for minors of any surrogate in the state.
In his two terms as Mayor of Englewood from 1983 to 1989, Steve effected a renaissance of the city. Among other accomplishments, he was instrumental in cutting Englewood’s crime rate, lowering its tax rate, taking the city from near bankruptcy to a five million dollar surplus, raising its bond rating to the highest since 1938 and shepherding a $22 million public-private partnership that ended Englewood’s time as a “food desert” by bringing a supermarket complex to the West Street area in need of redevelopment. His tenure was described as “effectuating one of the most significant and important changes in Englewood’s history.”
In 1977, Steve earned his Juris Doctor degree at the Washington University School of Law in St. Louis, Missouri. He graduated from Syracuse University in 1974 with a B.A. Degree, majoring in Political Philosophy. Steve’s primary and secondary school education occurred in public schools. In 1970, he graduated from Tenafly High School, after having attended the Tenafly Junior High School, Tenafly’s Maugham Elementary School and Englewood’s Roosevelt Elementary School.
Steve Rothman has been licensed to practice law since 1977. He is a member in good standing in both the New Jersey and New York Bar Associations. He started his career as a trial attorney in Jersey City before setting up his own law office for the general practice of law in Englewood, though he no longer engages in the private practice of law.
Click on each photo to see larger image
Former Congressman Rothman receiving the Bergen County NAACP’s first “Trailblazer Award” from NAACP President Anthony Cureton, 2013
Former Congressman Rothman receiving the Seeger Wetlands Preservation Award from NJ Sierra Club's Jeff Tittel, November 2012
Steve Rothman’s music cd, released under the name “Steve Roy”, 2015
Congressman Rothman and President Obama walk at the White House by the Rose Garden, June 2012
Congressman Rothman 2002 reelection brochure on his efforts to save the last 8,400 acres of undeveloped land in the Hackensack Meadowlands, October 2002
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama thanks Congressman Rothman at the U.S. Capitol for sponsoring the House Resolution in support of Tibet, September 10, 2003
Congressman Rothman on the Floor of the U.S. House of Representatives in 2001 giving a powerful 15-minute history of the modern Middle East
Congressman Rothman announces passage of his two bills to help people around Teterboro Airport, Summer 2002
Rothman opposes privatizing U.S. postal workers jobs, 2007
Rothman & Mentors Jack Drakeford and Richard Sheffield, 2001
Congressman Rothman honoring Veterans, September 1999
• Introduction/Summary
• Preserving the Hackensack Meadowlands
• Limiting the Use of Teterboro Airport
• Bringing Billions in Federal Aid For Local Needs
• Honoring The Fallen
• Conducting Town Hall Meetings
• Providing Constituent Services
• Rothman Office Staff
• Co-Chairing The Obama Campaign
• Voting “No” On Clinton Impeachment
• Authoring & Enacting The Secure Our Schools Legislation & Funding
• The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)
• The War In Iraq
• Preventing The Deportation Of Malachy McAllister & His Family
• Supporting Tibetan Human Rights
• Voting “No” On The Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)
• Co-Sponsoring Of Constitutional Amendment To Limit Campaign Contributions & Expenditures
• Fighting For Other Legislative Priorities
• Voicing Strong Support For The U.S.-Israel Relationship & Security
• Successfully Fighting Against The Bush Administration Efforts To Privatize Social Security & Postal Worker Jobs
• Committee Assignments
• Caucus Memberships
• Electoral History
• Post Congress Activities